The 2025 Registration Closes May 1st 2025
Instructions to register & make payment.
Step #1 - Fill out your registration form online (click on box below)
Step #2 - Upon submitting your registration you will receive a message that your registration has been received and after 20 seconds redirected back to this page.
Step #3 - Upon completing registration & redirecting back to this page. Scroll down to payments. Click on the participant fee box that applies to you. If you are paying for more than one participant. Just tap “keep shopping” and you will redirect to the website to make further selections.
Participant fees are individually listed below. If you are paying for more than one participant fee, click the button below that applies to you, then choose “keep shopping” in upper right corner of shopping cart to be redirected back to this page to add any additional participant fees.
Not participating on the full ride. How do you decide which days to attend? Recommended itinerary’s:
Just want a taste of the ride-
Memorial Day Weekend - May 22nd - May 26th (4 nights/5 days)
Week 1 -
Arrive Easton May 22nd - Depart Thursday May 29th in Warden on the rest day (choose 7 nights or less)
Week 2 -
Arrive Warden May 29th - Depart Tekoa June 8th
(choose 8 nights or more)
White Scarf Chasers -
Arrive Easton May 22nd - Depart Tekoa June 8th
(choose 8 nights or more)
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy: Refunds available until May 1st (- a $50 convenience fee)
No refunds once registration closes May 1st
No refunds once trip has begun or for anyone that departs early during the trip